
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Beauty Sleep

First off, I know- horrible picture.
It's hard to sneak in and take a picture when your child was put to bed and should be sleeping.

I bought Hannah a new pair of PJs that came with a free gift, this eye mask.
She knew exactly what it was and couldn't wait to give it a try.
I was actually surprised that she wanted to wear it.
She put it on when I tucked her in and said goodnight.  She was still wearing it when I checked on her when I came in to shut her door and she was self-reportingly still wearing it when she woke up.
AND....she is convinced that it helped her sleep better. Ha-ha, that one made me giggle.


Kari said...

Tell her I have one of those and it DOES help me sleep better! Keeps all the light out!

Patience said...

I love it! And I fully support anything that helps them sleep better!