
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Now the green one is ok too

There is something about car washes that my girls, especially Hailey, don't appreciate.
Hannah is fine with them now but when she was little she would scream her head off if we took her through one- thank goodness she has outgrown that but Hailey is still not so sure.  She will often cry and when she is informed "I am going to get a car wash quick" she starts to freak out a little bit, especially if it's at a place that she hasn't been to before.

'The Blue One':   Brian took her to Blue Velvet once, this is a car wash that you drive into but then leave your car while the employees take your car through the wash and towel-dry sections.  She has never minded this one but for over $20 per wash and across the river in Anoka, it's not too convenient.

'The Brown One':  There is a self-wash car wash behind the McDonalds that also has a touch-free drive thru wash.  Prices range from $3-$6.  I love this car wash because it's so close and so cheap.  You get a decent wash on the outside and when you aren't looking for a like-new wash it meets the need.   

'The Window One' or 'Bubblegum One':  At the Holiday gas station by us there is a drive thru car wash that an employee works.  He/She will hand you wipes for your interior windows, spray your car down and then you pass through the rest of the wash.  Hailey does better in this one lately because Hannah has her convinced that the soap and bubbles smell like bubblegum.  They sit patiently and wait until the car is covered and then sniff like crazy to see who can smell the bubblegum first.

'The Green One':  BP station on our way home.  Touchfree drive thru wash that looks like every other drive thru touchfree wash.  As I mention that we are going to get a wash Hailey starts kicking her legs and yelling that she's too scared and wants to go home.  I reassure her that this will be just like the other ones and she will be fine.  She didn't calm down but then the wash started and it was too late.  She was trapped (that sounds so bad....).  Less than a minute in and she stopped whining- see buddy, I told you!  Hmmm....looks like something else was keeping her calm. 

I have another picture of these two almost exactly like this when Hailey was younger

1 comment:

Jennie said...

OH MY GOSH...LOVE!!!!!!!!!