
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Price Check!

After dinner tonight Hannah wanted to play.  We decided to set the food up around the room and then took turns doing the shopping while the other was the 'store lady'.  Hannah has a little shopping cart that she got for her Birthday and even though she pushes it around a lot (she actually uses it more like a stroller, imagine that) tonight was the first time that she used it to shop.
Whoever was the shopper would walk around the room picking up the items that we were going to buy.  We then went to the 'store lady' where we unloaded our items and waited to pay.  We would greet each other with "Hello, did you find everything?"   Hannah would pick up each item, "BEEP" she would say as she used the scanner on her cash register, then put it into the cart.  At the end she would even tell me how much I owed and take either my credit card or money.
One time she couldn't find the price for an item and called Bob, the guy who works in the store' to tell her the price.  As she rang me up she would make small talk 'ohhhh...corn, that's good'.
We played shopping for a good 40 minutes straight tonight.  I hope she had as much fun as I did!



Jennie said...

that IS the cutest thing I've ever heard--and you can't beat the apron/hat combo :)

Kari said...

that is soooooo cute and so much fun.
"Corn...that's good" is my FAVORITE phrase EVER!

chris miller said...

I was so behind on reading your blog (and Kari's) that I really had a good time catching up tonight.
This was so funny. I can just hear her little comments! She is so cute and smart! I can remember years of these fun things just watching all you kids play and interact and being "grownups".