
Friday, February 26, 2010


Could you imagine being this flexible again?  I love this age when babies like to grab their feet and try to eat them :-)  As soon as she gets on her back, feet go into the mouth.  As soon as she is sitting in a position where she can reach, her feet go into her mouth.  This one likes to be moving, constantly....her little legs just kick and kick.  She sure is a cutie!


Jennie said...

haha--she doesn't quite have the crossed feet that Hannah did--but those girls sure did/do love their feet :) I can't believe how BIG Hailey is getting!!!

Kari said...

perfect for a mommy who enjoys everyone's feet so much... ;)

Chris Miller said...

She reminds me of Jim Carey (soooo flexible, eh, Kim?!) I wish I was able to have some of her moves. I am barely able to bend over to put on my socks!