
Monday, January 21, 2013

Whoop Whoop

You two.
I can't get enough of you.
You were SO excited for your new jammies and hats that I picked up on my way home from Iowa.
You both put them on right away, giggling the whole time.
It's getting easier and easier to get you guys to pose for pictures but you are still particular about when you are willing to.
I was lucky tonight that you were both in the mood- these pictures are adorable and they will forever remind me of your fun personalities.

This video will bring a smile to anyone's face!
I haven't been feeling well lately (nobody has been) and she was asking me if I was still sick.  When I said no, she got excited "Whoop whoop!"


jodic said...

so cute! i am still amazed at how much hannah looks like you!

Patience said...

Violet saw these AWESOME pictures and said, "I want to say hello to those girls! Can we go to their house?" I explained you lived far away. She said you can come to our house. Just FYI.