
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More from the life of Mini-Me

Behind this door lives a Mini-Me.

She is suppose to be in there cleaning (not because I sent her there to clean but because she had the idea to and went in there).  All I know is that since that door has been closed there has been loud music pouring out from that little crack at the bottom.
Andy Grammar and Maroon 5- this girls got great taste!

I love music and I love it loud.
Ever since I can remember I have preferred my tunes this way.
Especially when I was younger and my mom would make me clean my room.  Vickey and I would sit in my room 'cleaning' playing song after song.  She'd get to be the DJ and would sit in the middle of a pile of cassette tapes.  It wasn't as easy back then as it is now.  Tapes needed to be rewound and god forbid you wanted to hear track 3 on the cassette- fast forward, rewind, fast forward, rewind, until you would finally hit the right spot and get to listen to the song.
 But not Mini-Me- she is in her room with her Bluetooth speaker selecting songs from her iPod.
Didn't want to say it but I think it's required....kids these days have it so easy.


Kari said...

Yeah, we won't be saying we had to walk five miles to school through waist-high snow, but we DO have the right to say we had to REWIND!!! Oh man, major flashback! :)
Records were definitely easier, for finding the song, at least :)

Patience said...

Your kids are amazing! The ideal career for Hannah is something in the music industry where she gets free concert tickets. That way, you two could jam out!