
Tuesday, January 08, 2013

"Hi Hannah"

I can NOT talk enough about how Hailey's personality has been coming through over the past year.
She is such a fun kid and has so much spunk in her!

She has always been my little monster and she continues to prove that this nickname was put to good use.  She is never really naughty, she just gets into stuff.  She is also very aware about what she is doing and knows when she is being mischievous.

For example...Hannah was playing with that Barbie phone that Hailey is holding.  Hannah walked away from it for a minute and Hailey grabbed it.  Then she walked over by where Hannah was and said "Hi Hannah!"  When Hannah didn't say anything about her having the phone she ran off with it with a huge grin on her face.  She has been doing this more and more with things lately.

Did you notice her boots and that skirt (again!)?


Patience said...

Oh my, she's going to be a handful for the next decade, I can just tell. She reminds me of Violet in so many ways - very precocious

Kari said...

She is so much fun. I see a lot of Nico in her, especially the phone thing. He'd do something like that!