
Monday, January 14, 2013


Hannah was having a moment tonight and needed a distraction to calm her down.
I told her she should try this puzzle game- Let's Tans.  After I said it I realized that this could actually blow up in my face....you get the same 7 colored shapes with each puzzle but each time you get a new large shape that they all need to fit into.
They start out fairly easy and get more difficult the higher the 'level'.
You can move the shapes in different directions and can face them and rotate them in different ways.

She was real interested and actually walked away from me with her phone to go and sit on the couch to play.

A while later it was bedtime- she was still playing her game.
Hannah:  "Mom, can I please finish this puzzle in bed?"
Me:  "Sure but then you need to go to bed.  This ONE puzzle then it's off.  Got it?!"
Hannah:  "Yes."

10:15 pm and Brian and I are making our way to bed.  He went upstairs first and went to shut Hannah's door.  Then I heard them arguing.  
Yup- she was still up playing on her phone.

Guess both of us will learn a lesson tonight.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Oh, that's the puzzle! Those are HARD. Good job, Hannah!