
Friday, January 18, 2013

I'm Bored

The drive between Minneapolis and West Des Monies is pretty boring except for the few miles when you get to look at these windmills.
They are HUGE and you can see them out on the horizon as far as your eyes can see.  It's a pretty cool site but unfortunately we travel there when the rest of the ground is brown and drab.  Might need to make a summer trip someday to see how cool these things look with some green grass, bright blue sky and puffy white clouds.

Sure gets lonely without my copilot.

My January trip is always just me but the March trips down always include friends- Loriann, Lori, Jessica, and/or Molly.   The last few true road trips I have taken have been with Loriann and Molly so today was a little boring.

I guess this guy will have to keep me company
Another cool feature of this Navigation system- it shows you what side of the freeway to be on in the event that the freeway or road splits.


Kari said...

It looks the same in the summer. It's a pretty boring drive, gotta say...

jodic said...

i was going to say the same thing and then I noticed what Kari said. i was just down in IOWA this summer with Cassandra and Cindy, and yup, it looks just the same. but if you go back again, check out West End Architecture and Salvage! It a pretty cool place...lots of salvaged stuff and repurposed! :)