
Monday, September 03, 2012

Didn't you get the memo?

Tomorrow life is expected to get back to normal.
My sister is back in Ecuador, the kids will spend their days at daycare and I will go back to work.  

Today the kids enjoyed a day off at home- we haven't had one of those in a while.
We set up the pool and spent most of the day outside.  We even ate lunch outside which the girls thought was pretty special.

While we had a chance to relax a little I spent a few minutes watching this guy who didn't get the memo that it was Labor Day.  He was hard at work all day buzzing from flower to flower.

Sorry buddy- hope you get some time off soon.


Jennie said...

cute post :-)

Patience said...

sounds like a relaxing Labor Day! I was hoping to labor on Labor day, but that didn't happen...