
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hannah's First Crush

Tonight Brian and I got to witness Hannah experience her first crush.
We went to Snuffy's for dinner and while we were there the table behind us was getting cleaned off.
Hannah looked up, saw the 'blue guy' and said to me "Mom, he looks cute!"
The rest of the night she couldn't keep her eyes off of him.  She would follow him around the resturant and as soon as she couldn't see him she would start asking where he was.
The 'Blue Guy'
 When we got in the car to go home I asked Hannah who she was looking at inside.
Me:  "Hannah, who were you looking at in there?"
Hannah:  "The blue guy" (see her embarrassed face)
Me:  "Why?  What did he look like?"
Hannah:  "Justin Beiber"


Patience said...

Oh wow, she's only 5! How's that for putting "how fast they grow up" right into perspective for you!?

Jennie said...

oh boy!!