
Sunday, September 09, 2012

Happy Birthday My Bean Machine!

I gotta admit, I was expecting this to backfire.
A number of things could have happened.  A balloon could have popped in the middle of the night, they all could have popped in the night, Brian could get up to go to the bathroom and think it was a robber and attack them, Hannah could wake up in the middle of the night and need something, they could fall... a number of things could have happened.
What DID happen?
7:00 am my eyes open.
Nobody else in the house is awake yet.  That's weird- Hannah is usually up by now.
I got up to start baking the Birthday cake.
After a few minutes of rustling around I heard her door open.
Hannah:  "What did you do?  Oh my gosh!  You did this for me?!"

My beautiful 5 year old!

Showing off her present.

The Busta's came over to watch the Vikings game today (they won) and we played Beauty Salon. 
Yes- I said WE.

Hannah requested a Barbie cake and a Sprinkle cake so here was my attempt at meeting both requests.

I let her stay up until 8:12 pm.
That is the time she was born so before bed I told her the story of the day she was born.
Her favorite part was hearing how her and I stayed in the hospital room together while daddy had to go home to take care of Nash.  I told her that the nurse kept coming in offering to take her to the nursery and I wouldn't let her out of my sight.  I laid in bed staring at her and holding her all night. 
Happy Birthday Bean- hope this year gives you all of the opportunity that a 5 year old can wish for!


Patience said...

Happy Birthday Hannah! I cannot believe she's 5 already! And you can tell she is every single minute of 5 - look at that sassiness just oozing from her!

Jennie said...

YOU are the best mom--what lucky girls! The balloons, that cake (way adorable by the way!!!), the story--must have been an awesome 5th birthday! ;-)

Jennie said...

oh..and you cannot forget about that Vikings win!!!