
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 3 | READ

I have never been a reader.

When I was younger I despised it. As I got older I didn’t mind reading but I had never wanted to read for pleasure.
One summer I decided that I was going to try to ‘get into reading’. My mom, sister, and grandma have always been obsessed with reading. I remember going to the Book Mobile when we were younger and I was lucky if I could find 3-4 books that interested me- I was young so these were not the chapter books you might be thinking, these were kids books. My sister Kari would have stacks. More than an armful and more than one bag could carry. “Ummm, aren’t we coming back in two weeks?!”
July 2006 and everyone at work was giving me book suggestions. I went home, logged onto Amazon and purchased 5 of the 6 books that were recommended by my friends.
By that October I had read 10 books and remember actually feeling nervous when I only had 1-2 unread books in the house.
I like to read books that contain ‘real life’ circumstances. I do not like to read romance and I do not like to read fantasy. Jodi Picoult is my favorite.
I am not one that likes to read to escape real life. I like to read to connect with real life. I like to read about things that could possibly happen and relate to the characters. Because of this I will never be able to read the Twilight series, any of the Harry Potter books or the Hunger Games. I don’t doubt that they are great books that are wonderfully written but those types of stories are for the movies- not for reading.
In 2007 my first daughter, Hannah, was born. Since then my reading list has consisted of ‘Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb’ by Al Perkins, ‘Put Me in the Zoo’ by Robert Lopshire, ‘I Love You Through and Through’ by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak, and ‘Guess How Much I Love You?” by Sam McBratney.
After we settled into our routine, I was able to read a few more books.
Then #2 came along. Since Hailey arrived I have not had much time to read.
I actually miss it sometimes. Now that the girls are older, I hope to get back into the habit.
My 86 year old grandmother wrote a book. Actually she has written four books in the past few years. For her birthday this year we got her book professionally bound. This will be my next read- Sara by Doris Bauer.

You can see the book coming together Day 2 & Day 3 on one 12 x 12 spread


Patience said...

What an awesome opportunity. Not only will you be able to read her book, you can connect to HER in a new and unique way. Wonderful!

jodic said...

I love reading... but I also loved the Twilight series so I love a variety of books. I love Nicholas Sparks, he is one of my favorites! I also loved the book SAVING CEE-CEE HONEYCUTT, The Secret Life of Bees... to name a few! Read on my friend!