
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Goodnight Sweethearts

Hannah has decided she is afraid of the dark now.
This makes bedtime extra fun (hope you can sense the scarastic tone in my voice there).

All kids go through these stages.  It's part of their development and part of growing up.
There used to be days when the nightlight in her room was too bright and she needed it off and now she won't fall asleep without the hallway light on and her door cracked.

These girls have always gone to bed pretty easily.  Occasionally we would have a fight when it was time to bring them to their beds but lately things seem to be getting worse.  Still not horrible but just not as easy as it used to be.

Some nights after the girls are put down I come downstairs, get settled in, start a show or fire up the computer to get some work done and then it starts....."Mommy!"
99.9% of the time it's Hannah.
She either needs to brush her teeth, go potty, change her jammies, tell me something she forgot to tell me, she's too hot, she's too cold, needs a Kleenex, wants to know what that sound was, or wants another kiss and hug.  Most times it's only once but some nights she summons me 3 or 4 times during the evening.

Tonight both girls were calling for us.

I know we are super duper lucky and blessed that our kids go to bed as well as they do.  Sometimes that hurts us though because we don't know what it really means to have a child that doesn't go to bed well.  So nights like this seem like the worst thing ever.  It's hardly even bad.  It's annoying a little but bad?!  I think not. 

Shhhh, don't tell them I said that though.  Don't want them to think it's ok.

1 comment:

Patience said...

I have to say that Violet goes to bed pretty easily as well. I'll be interested to see how that changes once she gets a big-girl bed and can escape on her own...

All things considered, you're pretty lucky. Getting called into the room a couple extra times is not too bad....nothing like a screaming fight.