
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Top It

School was closed today.  It has been freezing here and we had another day that we determined to be too cold for the kids so no school.
Hannah woke up a little concerned.
"Mom, is my tooth gonna come in before I go back to school?"

This reminded me of another story from last night.  As we were sitting at the kitchen table talking about her loose tooth and the tooth fairy she interrupted us to tell us "Umm, guys, the tooth fairy isn't alive anymore.  She used to be a real person but she died.  She died like way back in the 90's."

I stayed home with Hannah today and worked from home.  She did pretty good but had some tooth fairy money burning a hole in her pocket so around lunch time I signed out for the day and we went to Target and out to lunch.

When we got home we played her new favorite game 'Top It'.  Basically, this the card game War.  The rules are exactly the same only instead of calling it War her school calls it Top It- probably politically correct or something.

Later that night we caught Angel by the card game we had taken a quick break from. HA!

Nothing much new going on at the house- we knew based on the schedule that it would be a lot of painting and staining this week.  Took a few more pictures of the cabinets- man they look nice!

Hailey's closet doors

1 comment:

Patience said...

I cannot believe how many cold days you have been having! Move to Alaska - it was in the 40's the whole month of January!