
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Swimming Party

Hailey brought a note home from Jackie's the other day.  It was from Cora's mom, a girl that used to come to Jackie's, inviting the girls to Cora's Birthday party.
She was having a swimming party at a hotel.  I went to the storage unit last weekend to try to find our swimsuits and did not have any luck.  So, I had to make a trip to Target to buy some new ones.
Thankfully they are selling them right now.

On our way to the party we stopped by the house and noticed that someone had been there.

Hailey was too anxious to go to the party and was not interested to go inside so Hannah and I ran in.
There was more trim installed and the railing for the second part of the stairs was in progress.

We made it to the party with plenty of time to spare and Cora was so excited to see the girls.
I am glad we were able to make it.
After swimming for a few hours we went back to their hotel room for pizza and cake.

1 comment:

Patience said...

Hotel swimming pool party? That's awesome!