
Sunday, May 05, 2013

Mommy- I wanna help!

Your kids can help too much.
Trust me.
It's awesome, don't get me wrong but at the same time sometimes you just wanna do things alone.
I was trying to do something in the kitchen and my little velcro-kid Hannah came running to my side.
"Mommy- I wanna help you!"
Me:  "Buddy, I would love your help but today it would be great if you can just stay out of my way so I can get this stuff done."
Hannah:  "But mommy, I want to help."
Me:  "Ok, go stand over by the coats and put one hand on your belly, the other in the air like this (demo), then stand on one foot.....yes! like that! perfect!  Now don't move."
Hannah:  giggling, giggling "Mommy!"

Only took her about 20 seconds to realize that it was a prank but it sure was funny.

A few times since then she has asked if she can help and I would say "Oh!  I know how you can help"
She would then say "I know, I know (while hanging her head) and then stand on one foot while raising her arm.  Of course we both burst out into giggles by then.


Kari said...

That is so funny. Love that you got a picture of it!

Patience said...

LOVE the picture of this! And I agree, sometimes the help is better in theory. My newest favorite thing is hiring a babysitter so that we can get stuff done!