
Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Bobby the Miracle Worker

 Do you see the super powers?
Bobby has become a household name around here.

Hailey is especially a fan and as she walks through the house she points out to us all of the things she knows about Bobby.  
She'll pick up Brian's deo- "Bobby wears this kind." (then she smiles)
See a man who is hair-challenged on TV- "Bobby have no hair guys" (then she smiles)
See a white SUV on the road- "Bobby drive a truck that color." (smiles)
you get the picture

Well, last week Hailey was the first to bring home the virus that started going around her daycare.
She started by vomiting which then turned to tummy pains and loose stools.  Loose stools produced a sore behind which then in turn created a little lady that was scared to poop, afraid that it was going to hurt her bottom too much.
After a few days of this she was finding herself prisoner to the couch with frequently yelps that her tummy hurt.   Time to call in the big guns....
I texted out a favor to Kristin- 'Any chance Bobby could call and talk Hailey into going poop?'
Within an hour Bobby was on the phone telling Hailey all about how he had just pooped and he would really like it if she could to, he would be so proud of her.
At first she was THRILLED to hear his voice on the phone, then after he made his request she covered her face and shunned the phone.  She was NOT happy.
Oh well, we tried- thanks Bobby for trying- I guess you can't get this girl to do everything.
Or can you???

About 10 minutes after we hung up with Bobby and Kristin it was bedtime.  Hannah and I went upstairs to settle her in for the night and then we heard Hailey scream out a little from downstairs.
After I got Hannah down I came down to see Hailey and say goodnight.  She was lying in her bed and Brian informed me that she just (FINALLY) went poop.

Seriously?!  Is there anything this guy can't do?!?!
Thanks man!  Really- I owe ya!


Jennie said...

So THAT'S what the miracle worker comments were about? Hmm..haha

Patience said...

Wow, that's magic! I need a Bobby for Violet! ha ha