
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Volume 3 has arrived

After a quick trip to Florida, my books are finally here!

I received a few calls from an out of state number and after a voicemail was finally left I was notified that my books had been delivered to the wrong address.  A company in Florida had gotten them by mistake and they were wondering if I received their shipment.  At the time I hadn't but it would only be a few more days before a huge box of books would be delivered.  They were kind enough to ship my books to me- even though Sharebook also agreed to reproduce and reship.  Now I guess my good idea of ordering two books this time around was rewarded with an extra set of two books so now I have four!

This makes Volume 3. Three full years of stories, three full years of pictures, three full years of our lives documented.  

These books are so awesome!  I am so proud of them and I can only hope that my girls love reading and re-reading them when they get older.  I can only hope that my grandchildren want to sit down and read these stories someday. 

The girls were really excited to sit down with the book this week and read stories with me.  
It was fun to look back and see what we were doing a year ago.  To see how short Hannah's hair still was and remember that she was learning to tie her shoes, to see that Hailey was still working on the potty training, to see how much her vocabulary has grown over the past 14 months.   I think it was extra fun this time around since they actually remembered a lot of the events/stories from this past year. 

Here's to the start of another year!


Jennie said...

LOVE the whole idea around these blogs/these books--congrats on the new reading material! :-)

Kari said...

I agree - congrats!

I'm a little teary-eyed because you're right, how cool to go back and look at how much can change (and stay the same) in just 12 months.

Patience said...

I LOVE the books! I still need to make one, but, seriously, what a fantabulous baby / child book! I just think of how much I would love to have one of my childhood, so I really hope our kids are that interested in it when they get older.