
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Time to say good-bye

It's happening again.  The feeling that the things in the house are swallowing me up.
I have been 'in the mood' for spring cleaning but it's just not the same when you can't open the windows and send the kids outside to play.  So, nothing is getting done but I should get a little credit because I think about it all the time.......which turns into a vicious cycle of feeling down in the dumps.
I used to feel so motivated and like I had energy to tackle these projects and now it just makes me depressed.  I beat myself up in my head constantly which then just makes me more worthless and lazy.  When I do feel motivated to start a project, I will get started and within 30 minutes I have two velcro babies by me either making more of a mess or wondering when I am going to be done so their 'activities' can start.  As a mom, I should just send them away but I really don't want to be that mom.
I don't want to spend my days saying 'No' and "Get away, get out of here", etc.
Of course we all have those moments and the kids need that but I hate feeling like that it all I say so most days I give in and stop what I am doing.

So, time to get into a 'every little bit matters' mode and get things accomplished as I can.
First on the list- the candles and bouquet from our wedding.
These have been in the entertainment center in the living room for years- since our wedding, 10 years ago.  I don't feel a need to keep them really, it just sort of always felt like the 'thing to do'. So, after a quick consult with Molly and Loriann we determined that there really was no need to keep these things around and they should find their way to the garbage to free up their shelf for my Blog and Shutterfly books.

It's a tiny step that nobody but me will notice but it's something.
Now only about 7,089 more of those little projects to go....

1 comment:

Kari said...

You are one brave woman! And I marked LOVE and it registered as DISLIKE for some reason - will go change that :)