
Saturday, December 29, 2012

I think it's time to say goodbye

The girls had gotten a pop-up box from Grandpa Dan a while ago and they loved it so much that we read it at least once everyday.  While I was going through Hannah's room today I cam across this book and as I was paging through the book noticed that most of the animals have been destroyed.  The spider is missing his legs, the hamster was pulled from his wheel and the dog is missing his ears.
Thankfully the girls favorite two pages were still intact so I could get a picture of them.

The girls would sit on my lap and as soon as we would turn to one of these pages they would jump back and hide their faces in my side.  They were never really scared...just 'silly surprised'.  Hailey on the other hand might have been a little bit scared and as Hannah would want to put her hand in their mouths, Hailey would back up and get as far away as possible each time these pages would open.

I'm trying to get better at letting go of things but when they have sentimental meaning I always have trouble.  So, here's me throwing something away but also taking a minute to preserve the memory.

1 comment:

Patience said...

It's hard not to get sentimental about those things when they bring back so many cute memories and bonding moments!