
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Kids say the darndest things

Hailey has been using her words more and more lately.
A few of her new phrases include:
"I'm right here!"
"Hanny (Hannah)"
"Ah-ha (Nash)"
"Hoo Hoo (Monkey)"
"Wa wa (water)"

When you are playing with her and 'getting her', she will run away from you and then turn around, stick her tongue out, shake her booty and say something that sounds like "Nah-Nah-Nah-boo-boo".  It is the cutest!

Hannah is always good for a laugh or two.
Today there were at least four.
Hannah had a pretty bad day today.  Her attitiude was horrible.  She was sassing back to us and whining pretty much all day.  She got a few time outs and even had her necklace, headband, and Dankie taken away.
During dinner tonight she was asking everyone how their day was.  When she was done Brian asked her how her day was.  She responded with "My day was kinda rough."

After her nap she came downstairs to snuggle with me on the couch.  I was watching football (the Redzone).  She was asking Brian which team he wanted to win.  When she saw the white team had the ball she yelled out "Homerun!"    We tried to tell her that it would actually be a touchdown but then the more she saw us giggling about her homerun cheer the more she said it. Later on she asked if Joe Mauer was playing in that game today.

As part of our nightly bedtime routine I sing the girls a few songs while I rub their back while they lay in bed.  Tonight Hannah chose Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Rock-a-Bye Baby.  As soon as she heard the first note coming out she said "Hit it girls!"  Cracked us both up :-)

About 40 minutes later (when she should have already been sleeping), Hannah was calling for me.  When I got upstairs to check on her I asked her why she wasn't sleeping yet.  She responded with "I can't sleep because my nose is making a rattling nose.  I tried to blow it but there isn't any booger juice in it so I have nothing to blow out."


Patience said...

Look at those beautiful girls! Love the booger juice comment!! Did you get out the neti pot for her? I'm just saying, it probably would have helped.... :-)

Kari said...

Oh man, you are going to have to write a book of all these cute sayings. Hannah's will be, like, 400 pages long at the age of four, and Hailey's will be a paragraph! lol