
Saturday, October 01, 2011

A is for Apple, P is for Pumpkin

Today we spent the day at Afton Apple Orchards.

We all met at Jennifer and Tom's and then headed to the orchard from there.  The orchard is located in Afton and is pretty close to Hastings.

We started with sampling some apples.

After playing at the playground it was time to visit the petting zoo.  At first Hannah was scared to feed the animals but then after we did it together she was an old pro and $4 later (25 cents per feed = 16 feeding times) she was getting pretty up close and personal to these little guys.  People waking by could hear her saying "Here you go little fella.  Take this, it's good.  It's for you.  Good job!"

It's always a struggle to get a picture of all 5 of the kids at the same time.  At least one of them gives us trouble almost everytime.  This was the closest my camera got to capturing them all.  As you can see, Hailey- the one who started off grump-a-lump-a-gus- got really good at it (thanks to Daddy's help).

Then we took a hayride.
Off to pick Apples and Pumpkins.

Hannah found a smaller sized pumpkin.  She made sure he was round.  Orange.  Clean.  With a stem.
"Mom, he's perfect!"


Chris Miller said...

Just when I'm really missing these girls, you come through with some super blogs and it makes me enjoy them so much even when I'm not right there.....thanks!! Sure do get a big kick outa the conversations Hannah has.....

Jennie said...

I love the fall pictures!! Sounds like a great day at the orchard, I still need to get out there this season!!!!

Jennie said...

oh, and I love the pic of all the kids' faces in the cut-outs :-)

Kari said...

i love those pumpkins! hannah picked the best one, all right!

Patience said...

Love the Apple Orchard! Totally jealous of Hannah's pumpkin! L-O-V-E the animal kids - Hailey makes a great horse!