
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kids say the darndest things

Lately Hannah has had some pretty funny things to say.

Sunday, July 3rd
We had spent the day at the lake.  On the way home I looked to my right and saw a beautiful sunset.  It was the perfect way to end a perfect day.  "Hey Hannah, look at that sunset.  Isn't that beautiful?"
Hannah replies "I think it looks horrible."

Funny thing about this is that she wasn't being a cranky-pants about it.  She was just ever so serious, made a comment, like no big-deal.  Made Brian and I giggle.

Short while later she was going on and on about random things.  Talking about her time with her grandmas (this includes both Gma Judy and Gma Chris).  At one point she said "Mom, remember when Grandma took me in the weeds that day?  We had so much you fun wouldn't even believe it!"

When we were eating lunch she walked over to me (shaking her hips from side to side and using her right hand to move the hair from her eyes)  "Ma'am, can I take your or'da (order said with an East Coast accent)?"

Sunday, July 10th
Last night we had a little get together with the neighbors out in the driveway/yard between our house and Chris and Steve's.  Around 9:30 or 10:00, Steve and Amanda (Brody's mom) came home from their golf outing.  They had been at the bar and Amanda had had a little to drink.  She kept yelling to Chris to make her some food.  It was obviously 'coming-home-from-the-bar' talk.
Today as Hannah and I went to get the paper she looked over to the yard.
"Whoa- look at the mess our party made!"  (still a few random beer cans that didn't make their way to the recycling can)
Later today as we were cutting up a watermelon she put her knife down (one of the 'circle knives' 'butter knife) and looked to the ceiling as if to be in deep thought "I wonder if Brody's mom ever got food?"

Same day, came home from Target.  Walked in the door and saw the syrup from breakfast still sitting on the counter.  "Mom, you forgot to put this away."  "Your right honey, could you do that for me?"
She replies with "What do I look like?"

A little later that day, "Mom, did your party juice (Midori, Malibu, and Watermelon Vodka- that I called mom's beer) make you sleep good last night?"

1 comment:

Patience said...

This is only going to get worse as time goes on....my advice: harness this creativity so that she turns into the next Julia Roberts and buys you your dream house! :-)