
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Another hot one

Today's heat index = 118 degrees
Today's progress on the fence = connector pieces (that's about as technical as it's going to get from me)
Today's daycare = Grandma Judy again.  Today Jennifer and the kids joined them for swimming and pizza. 

"Mom- take a picture of me by the fence."
"Can I see how I look?"

I skipped out on running last night because it was so hot.  Not a smart idea since today is worse and hearing that tomorrow could be worse than today, then Kari and the boys come home on Thursday, etc, time is running out this week!  That only means one thing- if I don't get out today it won't happen for a while and that isn't good.  So, off I went.
Today was Week 6, Day 1 which is 5 minute warm up walk, jog 5 min, walk 3 min, jog 8 min, walk 3 min, jog 5 min, cool down walk 5 min.  I ended up taking a different route so my last walk was much longer than 5 min but all together jogged/walked 3.7 miles.

My sisters and I decided to do a 5K on August 21st.  Not too convinced yet that I will be able to run the whole thing or even 1/2 of it but confident that between walking and running I can do it.
Makes me a little nervous....


Jennie said...

you are a beast! :-) I love the heat, but only for slotting around; not running!! lol--you'll amaze yourself at the 5k, mark my words!!!

Jennie said...

and ah, that should say 'slothing', i don't know what slotting is--oops :-)

Patience said...

Definitely agree with Jennie - you will amaze yourself with what you can do! Zone out to music and when you think you're going to die, you have to envision Tigger from Winnie the Pooh, bouncing along. Studies show that if you imagine more energy, you will manifest it. If you imagine yourself falling over in exhaustion, you'll manifest that too.... All about the positive imagery!