
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Hi Princess!

I love my camera.

Hannah picked up her princess phone tonight, this is a play-flip-phone and on the part that flips up there is a picture of Cinderella. 
Hannah picked up this phone tonight, from across the room, and says "Hi Princess, we'll be there soon."  Then she starts laughing at the phone (well, at the princess she was talking to on the phone...wonder what she said?), I got my camera ready because I knew that with my lens I would be able to zoom on her and get a picture of this and I did.  Even though this picture makes it look as though she were posing for me, she wasn't.  She was so busy in her conversation that she was oblivious to the fact that I was taking a picture of her.

I love my camera.

1 comment:

Kari said...

man, she has a million-dollar smile!