
Friday, January 08, 2010

You'll have each other forever

Girls, you will have each other forever. 
Just the other day you were both sitting on my lap and you two were fascinated by looking at each other and you both just sat there for about 2-3 minutes smiling whie staring into each other's eyes.  I knew that it was one of the many times in my life that I will be so happy that you have each other forever.  I sometimes feel as though it is my little gift to each of you to bless you with the opportunity to have a sibling to grow old with.  Someone that no matter what will always be there. 

Hannah, how do I know that you are going to be a great big sister?
  • When Hailey cries, you find a way to cheer her up.  Whether it be finding her nuk, rubbing her head ever so softly, or singing the ABC's to her, you can always get her to stop fussing
  • You are very protective of your sister.  Wondering what mommy and daddy are doing to her to make her upset. "What are you doing to my sister?"  "Don't make my sister cry"
  • You will share anything with her. Many times I find Hailey swinging away in her swing with 'Tiny' sitting next to her.  "Look mommy, I share with her".  You are even willing to share your blankie (dankie) with her.  Laying it on the floor for her to lay on, covering her up because she is 'freezing', or making sure she is holding onto a corner of it while we are all cuddled up on the couch.
  • You always need to know where she is. When you wake up one of the first questions you ask me is 'where is my sister?".  When we are leaving the house or make plans to go out you always ask 'Hailey come with us?"
  • You like to be involved whether it is holding her, feeding her, getting her diaper, giving her her nuk, taking her nuk out when you think 'she doesn't need it', bringing her toys, helping mommy give her a bath, the list goes on and on

Hailey, how do I know you are going to be a good little sister?

  • You let her

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