
Friday, January 22, 2010


I decided that this year I am going to take one day per month off to scrapbook.
I started my day today reminding myself of the reasons why I scrapbook.

Someday my children will look back and see what I wanted to remember of them.
What part of their lives stuck out in my mind.
What memories I wanted to cherish forever.
What moments will be forever stamped on my heart.
Their expressions and bits of their personality I don't want to forget.

I love shopping.  I love to browse through the aisles and could spend hours looking at all of the products.
I love the smell of new things.  I love opening the packages and sorting them into my collection.
I love the experience of matching colors and textures to create a page that has feeling.
I love to take pictures and this gives me an excuse.
I want to chronicle our lives together.
I want to look back and remember the moments, not events.
I love to be creative and inspired. 
I love to have a vision and watch it come alive.
I love being able to document my thoughts and feelings for others to see. 
It is not important to keep up, the pictures have already been taken and
the moments have already been created.
My scrapbooks are not to replace photo albums but to create a glimpse of the past and allow my children a look into their world through my eyes.


Kari said...

Amy, I love it! I am sooooo jealous, I haven't scrapbooked since Christmas. Going to tomorrow - it's my promise to myself! Love you!

Kari said...

By the way, that page is GORGEOUS, you could be a designer...and I agree 100% on those reasons for scrapbooking. Why can't we scrapbook together...? :( One of these days we have to do an online crop together!

Amy Elizabeth said...

Oh, don't get me wrong....I didn't get much done :-) I finished a few pages and made a page I hated so redid it. I am not upset though, it was WONDERFUL just to know that I thought about scrapbooking even though I didn't get much done. This is helping me at least journal my feelings and all I need to do is go back and find pictures to match to make pages.