
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

'S' sound

I wish I could bottle up Hailey's voice.
It is so fun listening to her talk and seeing how she phrases things.
This weekend Brian and I were trying to get her to say words that contained the 'S' sound- she has a particular challenge with that sound.
The conversation went a little like this....
Brian:  "Hailey, say stroller."
Hailey:  "Toller"
Brian: "Say snake"
Hailey: "Nake"
Me: "Say super"
Hailey: "Super"
Brian: "Say super duper"
Hailey: "Super duper"
Me: "Say kiss"
Hailey: "Kiss"
Brian: "Say Kristin"
Hailey: "No, me rather say Bobby."


Jennie said...

that picture is to die for!!

Kari said...

I can't stop looking at her!!