
Friday, October 12, 2012

Let the Anniversary weekend begin!

Brian had asked his mom and dad to watch the girls for the weekend.
Yup- you read that correctly- the weekend.

We dropped the girls off around 5:30 pm and then the Anniversary weekend began!

We had been talking for the past few weeks trying to decide what to do.  Thought about going up North to the North Shore but when we started looking at rooms, they were pretty expensive and it didn't feel worth it knowing that we missed the 'peak' season for the leaves.

We thought about a casino hotel getaway.  All of the casinos that we called were sold out for the night.
We talked about Red Wing but before we made any calls we decided that maybe we should stick around the cities and enjoy some alone time at home.

Brian made reservations for the Rodizio Grill.  It is a new Brazilian Steakhouse in Maple Grove.

I was expecting a different atmosphere when we walked in.  It seemed sort of 'buffet' style when we walked in.  Lots of long tables throughout the restaurant and only a handful of tables meant for two.
The waiter greeted us and informed us of the 'rules'.
He gave us a wooden item that was 1/2 green and 1/2 red.  If you want food, place the green side up.  If you want a break, place the red side up.  If you need something or are ready to go, lay it on it's side.
We made our way to the buffet line for salad, potatoes and bread and when we got back to our table we flipped our guy to the green side and waited to see what would happen.

Within minutes we were greeted by Gaucho after Gaucho carrying skewers of meat offering us chicken, wild boar, ham, steaks, chicken hearts, rattlesnake sausage, and catfish to name just a few.

We agreed that we probably don't need to visit again anytime soon but we were both happy that we went.  

1 comment:

Patience said...

Oh I wanted to go there when I lived there. Interesting experience. I kind of think a dream date at this point is a night together at home without the kids!