
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bus is leaving and other adorable things

Here is a little post about some of my most favorite (and recent) Hailey statements.

We were getting ready to go out to eat.  Hannah was fixing her hair, I was using the bathroom, Brian had gotten his shoes on and was making his way to the door.  Hailey came running down the hall yelling "Come on!  The bus is leaving!"
Had never heard her use this phrase before but I know where she gets it.  Brian will casually tell them the bus is leaving when he's ready to go.  It had us laughing tonight hearing her use this term to signify it was time to go.
"Whak a heck Milla?" 
(What the heck Miller)
For some reason she started saying What the heck?  Even though it might not be the most appropriate thing for a little 2-3 year old to be saying, it sure is cute.  Brian occasionally calls me Miller and the girls have picked up on this.  Of course the more we laugh, the more she says it.
"Thank you mommy!"
Hailey: "It ok if me breaked this?"
Me: "Ummm, whatever,s ure."
Hailey : "Thank you mommy!"
Hailey: "It ok me bring me drink downstairs?"
Me:  "Sure"
Hailey:  "Thank you mommy!"
Me:  "Hailey, did you wear those fancy shoes to bed last night?"
Hailey: "Yeah.  It ok me wear them?"
Me: "Yep"
Hailey: "Thank you mommy!"
Hailey:  "Mommy, it ok me sleep wif me teddy today?"
Me:  "Of course."
Hailey:  "Thank you mommy!"
and so on and so on....
If she sees something cute her response is either "Oh my goodness!" or "OMG!"
When she is feeling silly she will either call you a turkey, knucklehead or dude.
If Hannah lets her do something like sit next to her or let's her wear one of her headbands or play with her toys her response is usually "Thank you Hannah, you me best friend!"
Her language has developed so much over the past year.  So fast that it actually still shocks me sometimes to hear certain things come out of her mouth.
It has been so much fun watching her grow up adn into the little girl she has become.



Patience said...

That is just adorable!! And I LOVE that picture! Hailey's just the cutest ever!

Kari said...

That picture is second cutest :)
I love those little sayings. Miss her.