
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Today we celebrate our 9th Anniversary on 10.11.12 

We met 17 years ago while at a party at Delta Tau.
(Mom's Sorority at Hamline University)

I will never forget the night that I first met him.
He was with Troy in the basement, standing in the laundry room.
He was wearing a red plaid button up shirt and I will never forget the way I felt when I first saw his smile.  And those EYES!  I can't get enough of those blue eyes!
I was with Vickey and after a few minutes of chatting they invited us to a Halloween party the following weekend.  Brian wrote his number down on the back of the invitation.  I remember being super pumped because he had written his home number and his cell phone number (thinking it was pretty cool that this guy had a cell phone- remember this was a long time ago).
That night Vickey disappeared (she had left and didn't tell me) and Brian offered to walk around the campus with me to try to find her.

17 years ago, I would have never imagined that we would have 2 adorable little girls and be celebrating our 9th Anniversary.

I still love that smile and still can not get enough of those blue eyes!

Happy Anniversary Honey!  I love you!


jodic said...

super cute photo! i cannot believe that you guys met 17 years ago! that is CRAZY! I hope you had a wonderful day!

Jennie said...

Congrats on 9 years you two!! :-)

Patience said...

Congrats! How the years fly by!

Kari said...

Congrats! So sweet - and WHERE did you find the Delta Tau pic?