
Friday, October 26, 2012

Now, this is what I call a day off

Today started with bringing the girls to Hannah's pre-school screening.
The screenings for our area were done at Soderberg Elementary.
We started with a mini-health screen.  Height, weight, and blood pressure.  Next was her developmental screen- we couldn't be in the room since Hailey just turned 3, they were concerned that she would 'remember' the things for when she comes back. She needed a score of 18 to pass (for her age group) and scored a 28!  NICE WORK BEAN!
We finished with a vision and hearing screen.
She did great adn Hailey did a great job waiting with me.  Won't be long now and we should be getting her Kindergarten packet in the mail.

This evening we made a trip to Bobby's new house- Kristin lives there too.  We were celebrating Jennie's 29th Birthday!
The house is in Afton (almost to Wisconsin). 
It sits on a ton of land.  There are multiple gardens, multiple fire pits, a fountain, an inground pool, and a double decker deck. 

Not to mention a HUGE tree house!

They served tacos- chicken and beef.
After dinner, presents, and cake the girls played hide and seek with Kim and Jennie.
It was so fun watching them play.  One group would start downstairs while the other group hid upstairs.  Then "ready or not, here we come!"
One of the greatest things about being a parent is watching your kids have other people in their lives that they love to be with.  The girls had so much fun tonight hiding in closets, under tables, in the shower, under blankets, and in the bed.

Hailey was too cute!  She would get so excited running around looking for a place to hide.  Before Jennie and Hannah would even get downstairs she would head for a new spot and call Kimmy over "Come here!"
Can you find Jennie?  Hailey looked at her three times before realizing she was really under there.

Later Kristin let Jessie, the kitty, out of the laundry room.   Hannah got a kick out of her hiding spot!
Hannah was really interested in the cats and had tons of questions about them- real interested in the litter box situation ("So, they stand on their pee and poop?!").


Patience said...

Nice pad! LOVE the picture of you and Brian!!

Kari said...

Lov the pic of Hannah! great house.
Kindergarten. Wow.