
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Maddie, Kiley, and Hannah

Today is Kiley's Birthday, she is turning 6 already!

Gretchen snapped this picture of Maddie, Kiley, and Hannah.
I just love it!

They are all so adorable and I love how well they play together.  We really need to get them together more and have them have more sleepovers, etc.  These are two friendships that I never want her to lose.  These girls are like family to us and it makes me nervous that we would some day not have them in our lives.  Of course we would never plan for something like that to happen but living in different cities, going to different schools, having different friends, it's a recipe for losing touch. 
I need to get better about keeping these relationships strong and giving them an opportunity to hang out.

Those smiles!

Before we got to the party tonight we took the girls to Arby's for lunch.  There was a mirror next to our table and as Hannah was cleaning up she noticed herself.  It was so fun watching her watch herself in the mirror and then smile at herself.  Obviously she sees what the rest of us do- how adorable she is!


Patience said...

Look at those three blondes! Dangerous. Love the picture of Hannah looking at herself!

Jennie said...

0:13--that GIGGLE!