
Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Like you do

I love to watch Hailey react to what Hannah does.
You can tell that she looks up to her and wants to be like her and do 'big kid' things like she does.

Here are two examples of how Hailey like to be like Hannah.

OH- you like to wear two pairs of sunglasses- me too!

So, we read the paper on the way to daycare in the morning?
OK- got it!

Hopefully Hannah keeps setting good examples for Hailey and this doesn't back fire someday.
Of course Hannah has her moments of not-so-desired behavior but luckily Hailey doesn't seem to mimic those yet.  She has her own personality and 'flavor' when it comes to tantrums.
For now Hannah is usually ok with Hailey shadowing her- I hope it stays that way although I bet that the day will come when Hannah gets annoyed by this.

1 comment:

Patience said...

I can see the days of "you're a copy cat" are ahead of you, but for now it's just too cute for words!