
Friday, June 22, 2012

How does the sun do that?!

Hannah is at the age where she asks lots of questions about how things work.

Tonight's question:  How does the sun light up the whole world when the world is so huge?

Hannah:  "How does the sun light up the whole world when the world is so huge?  Is the sun that huger?"
Me:  "Well honey, the sun is very big too but I will show you sometime when we have a flashlight."

So off to the bathroom with a flashlight we went....

Me: "Make a fist with your hand.  Let's pretend this is the world."
Hannah:  "OK (giggling)"
Me:  "Now, if we take the sun (flashlight) and hold it really close to your hand what happens?"
Hannah: "It lights up a little part."
Me:  "That's right!  So, if we want to light up more of your hand what do we have to do?"
Hannah: "Oh, I know!  We have to move it back."
Me:  "Yes!  So let's see. "

We moved the flashlight back and her whole hand started to light up- more giggles.

Me:  "Now, you can see that alot of your hand is lit up.  The world also turns all day long.  So, what do you think happens when this part of your hand turns and now is over on this side?"
Hannah:  "It gets dark and then it's night."

1 comment:

Patience said...

Brilliant lesson on the sun! I'll send Violet your way when she asks that question!