
Sunday, August 07, 2011

Choose your own adventure

Remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books?  Where you would read the story and then as part of the story you would either flip to page x or page y to see what happens next. 

Well, today wasn't anything like that but I liked the title for this entry today and it seemed appropriate to reference the books.  Can't say that I actually ever even read one of those books but I know my sister, Kari, did and since she talked about them I think I should get credit too.

Adventure #1
Kids woke up this morning around 8:00am.  As I was opening doors and windows to let in the fresh air and natural light I entered the screen porch and immediately heard a rattling noise coming from near the window.
It sounded like a masked murderer was behind the blinds and he was MAD, maybe blinded for a minute (maybe from the mask), and was trying to untangle from the cords, etc.  I quickly closed the french doors and looked back to the window to see who was there.
All I could see what a gray bushy tail poking out from the bottom of the shades.  Next thing I know a squirrel looks over to me and when he realizes that I was looking back at him with my posse, noses pressed against the glass, he started freaking out jumping from window sill to window sill.  There was a flash- well not really but it sounds better in the story- and then he was gone.  Last I saw he was standing on the window sill, he must have dropped down to the floor and is waiting under the table or something until it was safe to attempt his second chance at an escape.
I sent my mom in the porch to survey the situation.  Afterall, who would keep the posse calm :-)  I had to stay there, for the kids.
Mom propped the door open and then poked around with a broom and after about 5 minutes we realized that he must be gone.    As mom was closing the door she looked at the window and noticed a huge hole in the screen.

Looks like the escape route

He left this behind also

Adventure #2

For the past year mom and Tom have been working on the pontoon to get it working.  Well, take that back, Tom has been working on the pontoon.  It is finally ready and so it was a must that we go out on the lake today.  I can't remember the last time I have been in a boat on that lake.
A must.

Kas and Hannah and their best attempt at Peace signs :-)

Grandma Chris let the kids take turns driving

Such a beautiful today to be out on the boat.  Another reason to look forward to the cabin weekends.


Chris Miller said...

Choose your own adventure.....that title cracked me up. What will happen next up there? That is the question.

Patience said...

Totally want a ride in the boat!

LOVE the squirrel story - complete with the banana photo. I think it's enough evidence to prosecute the beast for breaking and entering!