
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Putting it into perspective

One thing I absolutely love about blogging is when I share the memories that I have created with others and it in turn inspires them to document their own.

Since my sister, Kari, talked me into blogging in Jan 2010, I have been spreading the word to anyone and everyone who will listen.
Slowly others have joined us.  First Tammy, then my mom.  My friend, Patience from work was next.  Soon after was Stacey and then my sister, Jennie.  Most recently my friends, Lori and Loriann, from work have started blogs of their own.  (I am loving this!)

When I read Lori's first entry for her blog, something stopped me in my tracks.

I have been blogging for the past year and a half.  Religiously.  Some days I don't have much time and so I take a real random pic and then quick write something to be 'done'.  Other days there is a moment that happens that I need to talk about. 
A lot of time those moments happen, I get a pic taken, I sit down to start writing and then I spend minutes staring at the screen.  Where do I start?  How much should I say?
Almost like a writer's block or something.

I want to pour my heart out with every entry but most days it just isn't possible.

Anyways, reading Lori's entry inspired me.

She stated  "I would love to have the opportunity to read about moments from my childhood. This time I wouldn't only be reliving the memory, I'd be reliving it through the eyes of someone who loved me... no matter what I did"

And it hit me.
THIS is why I do this.  I want my children to see what things were like 'when I looked at this world'. 
It will be a good reminder for me as I fall a few days (or weeks) behind in my entries and then sit down to crank out a bunch of entries to 'catch up'.  Take your time.  After all, this will mean the most many years from now.

When Loriann and Lori were starting to talk about starting a blog it almost felt like I was pressuring them or trying to talk them into something and I kinda was. 
I would talk about mine or show them pics online and they would make comments about how they wished they would have done something like that.  Never to late to start.
We would sit at lunch and they would tell cute stories about their kids, things they said or did.  I would respond with "that'd be a great blog" or "It's adorable but you will have so many other adorable moments in your life that you probably won't remember that when they get older'.  It wasn't a threat.  It's just reality.
Once they finally started their blogs I heard things like "I caved".  It's all in good fun but really?!  I hardly call taking this chance, trying it out caving.  I call it brave.
It's brave to sit down and pour out your thoughts and feelings for others to see.

Think of the things you know about yourself from when you were little.
You have heard stories (and probably the same ones over and over) about things you have said or things you might have done but do you really get a sense of the kind of little person that you were? 

I want my children to have that.


Patience said...

Well thank God I read your blog or else I might not know that Loriann AND Lori have started blogs! I will have to start following them ASAP!! Secondly, Amen sister! I am HORRIBLE at writing things down in a baby book, but, thanks to the blog, I have all the major milestones documented (complete with pictures). Plus, as you say, Violet is going to have great insight into the little Monkey she was when she was a baby!

Lori said...

My blog has hit the floor... my computer keeps "not responding" when I go into websites. Now I have to figure out how to blog from my cell phone.

Tammy said...

Amen is right! I was thinking that same thing when I was blogstalking these new links I saw on your blog. however you explained it much more eloquently! Now if only I could have started doing this 10 years ago! :)