
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

The apology

She did it!

Today was the day we had planned for all weekend.
I called around lunchtime to check on the kids.
I got a great report!

Jackie informed me that Hannah was really excited to give Jackson his card and when he was reading it all of the other kids gathered around to see what it was all about.
Jackie also said that Hannah was playing with Jackson and including him all day.
At one point the kids were going to play in the play-house and Hannah yelled out to Jackson to join them.  Things went well.

I am so proud of her!  I was nervous this morning, wondering if I had overdone it.  Maybe I talked about it too much?   Happy to see that it wasn't too much.  She took it in, she adjusted, and she made Jackson feel included.

Thata girl!  So proud of you Bean Machine!

1 comment:

Patience said...

Such impressive behavior = such impressive parenting.