
Sunday, May 15, 2011

It's a great day for a car wash

Last night Brian told Hannah that they could wash the cars today.

First thing Hannah said when she woke up "It's car wash day!"

Hannah, Hailey and I went to the outlet mall around 10:00 this morning.  We came back, ate lunch, and then played outside.  Hannah was outside the whole day.  She finally came in for dinner and was not happy when instead of going back outside to play she needed to take a bath.

I love days like this and when they are done I always wish that I would have just sat back for a few minutes and taken it all in.  Sometimes you are so busy running errands and filling cups with chocolate milk to realize how lucky you are. 


Kari said...

hahahaha, i hear you on the chocolate-milk-filling! seems like some days all i do is serve drinks up, all day long!

Chris Miller said...

With you kids, especially the three youngest, it was apple juice, apple juice, apple juice!!