
Monday, May 09, 2011

"Our grill day"

Isabelle (2 1/2) , Emerson (9 mo) , Hannah (3 1/2), Nolan (4 1/2), Morgan (2), Hailey (19 mo), Jackie
Not pictured:  Bruce (6), Cora (3), Jackson (3 1/2)

Each year for Mother's Day and Father's Day Jackie hosts a BBQ for the moms or dads.
Hannah has been asking all weekend about our celebration.
Today is finally the day!

Hannah: "Mom, what day is it today?"
Me: "Monday, our celebration at Jackie's!"
Hannah:  "Today all the moms are going to take off their shoes and stay there??"
Me: "Well, we might not take off our shoes but we will be staying there?"
Hannah:  "Because today is our grill day!"

I always bring my camera and like to take a picture of the kids with Jackie.  It's fun to see how big the kids have gotten and how much they change over the years.

1 comment:

Patience said...

I notice that you left Jackie's age out...?? :-)