
Friday, March 21, 2014

'New Amy'

Today is my birthday.
I woke up in a great mood.  How could there be a reason to feel anything but absolute joy today?!
I am alive and fortunate enough to be celebrating another birthday.
As soon as I grabbed my phone there was a constant stream of Facebook notifications.  Well wishes and Happy Birthday greetings from so many people.  
Hannah woke up extra early this morning to wish me a Happy Birthday and then asked if there was anything I needed.  When I responded with no she clarified that she really wanted to get me something.  "Do you need breakfast or something?"  How could I say no to that?!
Minutes later she returned with a strawberry pop tart and Diet Coke.

I got to work and moments later I was presented with a desk full of goodies from Loriann.
Flowers, muffins for the team, Diet Coke, Red Vines, Cadbury Mini-Eggs and Gavin DeGraw tickets!
Another reminder of how lucky I am to have such a great friend.  I definitely don't tell her enough how much she means to me (but I think she knows).  This past year has been tough at work and I can honestly say that I am not sure it would have been worth sticking it out if she wasn't there.  I usually really enjoy my job and I have really appreciated working for HealthEast, I love it there, but it's been hard.  She gets it, she gets me.
It's great to have someone to talk to who understands and can also speak my language (which many days feels like Chinese).

After work Brian and the girls showered me with gifts.  A gift card to DSW and Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  We had a nice dinner at PF Changs and Kim even joined us!
During dinner Kim mentioned that she wanted to take the girls home.  They were all in for that idea so after dinner they stopped home for a change of clothes and waved goodbye as they drove away.
I love the relationships that my sisters and my girls have. They are all so lucky to have each other.

We had heard that the neighbors were getting together tonight and we planned to stop over after dinner.
Tonight the party was at John and Elizabeth's.  As soon as we walked in we saw a table set up with balloons.  The balloons read Mike, Amy, Jake and New Amy.  Each balloon came with a gift (favorite alcohol for the others and flowers for me) and a birthday crown.  Elyse had shared with the group that it was my birthday and turns out there were actually 4 other birthdays within a few week period in March.  I tell ya, these people sure know how to make you feel welcome!  We met three more households worth of people tonight who were just as nice and fun as the ones we have met so far.

The day ended with knowing that we were going to be able to sleep in a little tomorrow!  
Happy Birthday to me! (thanks Kim and Jennie!)

1 comment:

Patience said...

Is that not the perfect birthday?! Happy Birthday to you! I'm so glad that Loriann is there - it really is a life-saver to have someone at work who gets you! Especially when our work is so crazy to explain!