
Monday, March 03, 2014

4, 3, 2, 1

We just spent the last weekend at Denny and Judy's.
Although I am super excited to get into our house and I am excited to get back to 'normal',  I am feeling sad because we are all  going to miss them.  It's been great here.  Both of them have made a few comments about how quiet it will be once we are gone (I think it's a tiny hint that they are going to miss us too).
We have our final walk through scheduled for tomorrow night but we couldn't stay away.  Turns out it's a good thing we went over tonight, the outside lights work!

1 comment:

Patience said...

It's been kind of a neat time for the girls to hang out with their grandparents so much, though I'm sure they'll be excited to move into their new digs!