
Friday, November 22, 2013

What does this spell?

"What does t-f-y-r spell?"
"What does P-h-a-r-m-a-c-y spell?  Hey if you took away the h and then pushed the a-r-m closer and then took away the a-c and added a l-e it would spell Parmley!"
"What does that sign say?"
"How do you spell Schmidty?"

Tonight I was in the bathroom and a note flew in from under the door.  "Mom, what does that spell?"
At the top she wrote: Learn Chinease  and at the bottom it said: Autumn
 She really wanted to know what her fortune said but had written down the wrong side.   She eventually figured that out and when I left the bathroom I nearly tripped over her sitting in the hallway transcribing the other side of her fortune so she could pass me another note.

1 comment:

Patience said...

This is so cute! I love this story! I think you should have stayed in the bathroom to see what she would have sent you....