
Saturday, November 02, 2013

"I need the dance moms"

Hannah has been in a mood lately.  I can't quite put my finger on it but she is different.  She is much more bossy and mean than she has ever been and is getting to a point that she doesn't really care if people are mad at her or disappointed in the way she acts.
She has little patience and I swear that her ears must be blocked because she is not listening well.
This isn't an all the time mood- don't get me wrong but when the mood is out, it's not the kid that I want living in our house.  I contribute it to school.  She is around all sorts of other kids that boss each other around and they are constantly competing with each other about who is better and who has more, etc.  I have witnessed this myself.  Since she is well behaved at school, or so we hear, I think she comes out and takes/tests it out on all of us. I also think the weather is partly responsible, they don't get to burn off their energy and beign stuck in the house all day brings out the worst in them.   Poor Hailey takes the brunt of her bad attitude and as I write this she is playing so nice with Hailey referring to her as sweetie and won't stop telling her how cute she is.....go figure.
Anyways, on this particular dayshe wanted my attention.  She was bored and wanted someone, but not Hailey, to play with her.  She kept bugging me to play or give her snacks.  She was hungry, thirsty, and needy all morning.  I finally locked myself in the bathroom to take a shower giving her instructions to leave me a alone for a few minutes while I got ready- I feel horrible just writing that out but seriously, can a lady take a shower?!
She went into the bedroom for a few minutes to watch TV.  I finished up my shower and started to get my things out to finished becoming presentable.  She had already started on the other side of the door "Mom, I am hungry".  Give me a minute please and when I am done getting ready I will make lunch (it was only 11:00 am).
I started to dry my hair and the begging continued.  Mom- come play, Mom- I need something to eat, Mom- come in my room for a minute to see this, Mom-where's my phone, Mom-can you read to me, Mom-can you get me some chocolate milk, Mom-I need something to do.
I might have lost it.....I picked her up and carried her to her room where I loudly (not a proud mom moment) instructed her leave me alone so I can finish getting ready.
I made my way back into the bathroom and within seconds her door flew open.
"Ok, parents, welcome to dance class.  You can all come in now to watch your kids dance.'
No response from me.  10 seconds go by.
"Parents.  I need all the parents in this room to watch the kids."
Still no response from me.  10 more seconds.
"Parents.  If you can hear me.  I need you in the room to watch the dance."- this time she paced up and down the hallway.
Still nothing from me. 10 more seconds.
"Amy Parmley.  I need Amy Parmley in this room to watch the kids dance."

I couldn't stay mad and I had to appreciate her persistance.  I took a mini break from getting ready to watch the private dance show.  Thankfully she let me go as soon as it was over.

1 comment:

Patience said...

I tell you, sometimes their neediness can drive a person insane! I am glad to know I'm not the only one who has been driven to the edge! I dread the attitudes Violet and Oscar will pick up at school!