
Friday, September 27, 2013

Your Majesty

I can not get over what a big girl Hailey has been lately!

She told us a few weeks ago that she wanted earrings once she was four and now that her birthday has come and gone, she has not forgotten.

So tonight we went to dinner and then took our little grown up to get her ears pierced.
When they got out of the car they both bolted to the front door.  By the time Brian and I were in, Hailey had already taken her place on the chair and was holding the bear- assuming the position.

There was only one girl working so she had to do each ear separate.   I was a little worried that once she got the first one done there was NO way she would allow the other one to be done.
BOY was I wrong.  She sat like a champ!

Didn't make a peep! She was so proud of her new earrings.
'Hey Hailey- what is that shining in my backseat?!"
"My earrings!!!"

Tonight on our way downstairs I turned to see that Hailey was still at the top.
Me:  "Whatcha doin'?- come down."
Hailey: "Mom, you need to call me Majesty."
Me:  "Oh sorry. Please come downstairs Majesty."
I tuned to make my way down the next flight- still no Hailey.
Me: "Um, Majesty, why aren't you coming?"
Hailey: "You 'posed to take my hand."


Patience said...

Holy cow, I love her attitude! I do feel a little bad for any future boyfriends of hers....

Kari said...

I love the way she poses.