
Tuesday, September 03, 2013

First-Day-of-School Eve

YIKES!  There is a wedding in a little over 2 weeks!
There is still so much to do.  I still haven't gotten my dress fitted!
I finally bought my shoes this weekend and made an appointment for alterations.
Their lead time is usually 2 weeks but they were willing to get me in and confident they would have me all ready to go before the wedding, whew!

Hannah starts school tomorrow and did not have daycare today so I decided to work from home so I could stay home with her.  I ended up taking PTO for most of the day since she was not interested in letting me work.  It was fine with me, you only have your very last day EVER of not being a student once so she might as well get to enjoy it!

 After my dress appointment we ran a few errands, this kid is growing like a weed and we determined she needs a few pair of jeans before the cold weather hits.  After some shopping we made it home in time for lunch then I had a conference call to take.  I had a few hours before my next meeting so we made our way to the park nearby.

 My little buddy suited up, high heels and all and took off down the block.  Looking back every so often to make sure that I was still back there and stopping every few driveways to give me a chance to catch up to her.

We had a visitor tonight.  He didn't leave until close to 8:30 which means our little soon-to-be-kindergartner didn't get to bed until 9:00- uh oh, hope this doesn't bite us tomorrow!


jodic said...

loving all your posts! in this one, I cannot help but notice your shoes are almost exactly like mine that I got for my sisters wedding. yours look goldish and mine are silver! so I have to say, cute shoes! :)

Patience said...

I agree - great pick on the shoes! I cannot believe how grown-up Hannah looks!