
Saturday, June 29, 2013

More Tails from the Monster

Every once in a while the Monster strikes.
It has been quite a while since we have had an instance that just makes you shake your head and wonder what this kid is thinking.  Of course she is three and she has an older sister so there are plenty of deep breaths taken and plenty of getting into trouble moments but those are to be expected.

I was working on the computer this morning and Hailey was playing quietly behind me.  Hannah was still sleeping so she had all of the toys to herself.  She was playing so nice and so quiet......that should have been my clue that something was up.  After about 10 minutes I turned around to tell Hailey how good she was being and right before the words came out I see that she has added a special touch to her Barbie car.....sigh.


Patience said...

The quiet, "good" behavior is always the mark of "bad" behavior. Was it washable at least? We've had to take everything that's not totally washable away from Violet...

jodic said...

must be a girl thing... or a 3 year old thing (and 2 year old, and 1 year old) as we have this same thing going on in our house with reese. I found pen on one of the doors the other day - here's to hoping the magic eraser will take it out... and I found some on the table today in the living room, and I am sure that there is some "hiding" ready to be found soon!