
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sippin' on Syrup

That is where Hannah found Lula this morning.
It took her a while and after about 3 minutes of searching everywhere (remember she is 5 and 3 minutes of searching is like FOREVER) she came into the bathroom to ask me to help.  
Hannah:  "Mom, that Lula is a good hider.  That's all I have to say about that."
So off we went.  We started in the living room, checked Hannah's room, finally made our way to the kitchen.
She opened the cupboard and yelled "Gotcha!" and was actually pretty surprised when she was really in there.  It generated the daily morning giggle and we were ready to start our day.

On Thanksgiving Kim was wearing leg warmers.  Hannah has been talking about them ever since so last night when I was at Target I picked up a pair.  Thought it'd be a good idea for dance this winter- well, Hannah had another idea.  She wanted to wear them as part of her outfit today.
I have to admit they looked adorable!
But the best part?
Seeing how my girls look up to their aunts and being so lucky for the relationships that they have with them.

Hannah:  "Mom, I was thinking about writing a song.  We should do that."
Me:  "Ok, sounds good.  What should the song be about?  Being in love?"
Hannah:  "Ummm, friendship. I've already been thinking about it."
She then handed me a notebook and pen and told me to write it down while she tells me to.

It goes like this....

This is our friendship song-ong, song-ong
We're best friends tonight-night
We wanna show you what we got-got
Why don't you hear it- hear it
Let's start dancing, we don't want to stop
Pump up the party and dance

Man- I love that kid!


Jennie said...

It's a hit!

I love that pic of Hannah with her leg warmers :-)

Kari said...

Whoa! That is an awesome song!

I want leg warmers too. Love leg warmers. Can't believe they ever came back but secretly I am really happy they did :)

Patience said...

Fashionista songwriter...is there nothing this girl can't do?! And how old is she again?