
Saturday, November 10, 2012

In the MOMent

Taken from the program:
Being in the MOMent is not beating yourself up with regrets about missed opportunities in the past.  It's embracing today.  It's evaluating your priorities.  It's seeing the world with a child's eyes.  Most of all, it's learning how to look beyond the mundane so you can be fully present in all of the MOMents that come your way!
A preview of some of the sessions available
This morning we all met in the auditorium where we started together with a morning session.
It started with music and then some stories. 
Then out came the Duggars.  Yes, Michelle and Jim Bob.  The two people from the show 19 kids and counting.  They spoke for about an hour before we all seperated and went to our sessions.

Love this picture of Jenny.  Classic Jenny.
First Session:  Confessions of an Imperfect Mother- Julie Barnhill
She started by asking each of us to write down three things we were feeling guilty about, we would come back to this later.  She then went on to talk to us about that nasty little feeling we all carry around- guilt.
She talked about the definitions of guilt and told us to look at our list and ask ourselves this question- is there anything on that list that I could be arrested for?
I looked down at my list:
not going to the park enough when the girls ask  (no)
paying too much attention to my phone/iPad (no)
not creating a better habit to have the girls brush their teeth (no)
All seems sort of silly now to feel guilty over those things.
She talked about how you need to take back your brain and the next time you start feeling guilty you need to shout out "I'm not picking up what you are dropping!"
It was a great first session to attend to get me warmed up for the day- might as well lose your eye makeup within the first hour :-)
Second Session:  Get a Grip on Your Finances - Marianne Miller
This session was about creating a family budget, finding contentment in your life and not in the things that you buy, setting bondaries and finding space for the things you really love instead of wasting space with stuff you don't even like, discovering when enough is enough, and how to pay off debt most effectively.  She was a great speaker.
My favorite quote from her (while at the store talking to a sweater she really wanted to buy):  "Hey, I am really sorry that I can't bring you home.  It wouldn't be fair to my other clothes."
Attack the contentment issue- more money just reloads the gun.
Third Session:  If Momma Ain't Happy - Marla Cilley "The Fly Lady"
This session was FILLED with tips and steps on how to de-clutter your life and how to start a cycle of clean.  She talked about how the littlest things can set you off and put you in a bad mood and everyone knows 'If Momma Ain't Happy'....  She helped us look at ways to prevent those 'little things' and start to create better habits.
Here are 12 easy baby steps- meant to be a new habit you would start each month
1.  Shine your sink.  A clean sink eventually leads to a clean kitchen
2.  Donate the abundence- do the 27 fling boogie for 15 minutes.  (find 27 things to put away, 27 things to donate, 27 things to throw away)
3.  5 minute room rescue- set a timer and spend 5 minutes in one room
4.  Get dressed and awake before your family, pick out your clothes the night before, make bed everyday
5.  Get moving- 15 minutes of activity each day
6.  Drink lots of water
7.  Swish and Swipe - clean the toilet frequently, wipe the mirrors daily, clean a section of the shower each time you are in it
8.  1 load of laundry each day to keep Mt. Washmore away
9.  Get a before bed routine
10.  Spend 15 minutes per day de-cluttering the paper
11.  Menu planning and regualar fridge cleaning
12.  Pamper yourself- take time to relax and enjoy yourself
Forth Session:  7 Secrets for Success at Home and at Work - Sabrina O'Malone
The presenter for this session is a mom that works full time and also home schools her children (6).
Hear are her secrets
1.  Get a support system- who is your inner circle?
2.  Streamline and focus resources- don't spend time on things and people that don't focus on your values
3.  Delegate- get others to help.  Favorite quote during this part: "I'm not running for office and don't need your vote."
4.  Multitask- let technology work for you
5.  Stand out- create a reputation and make a name for yourself, know your strengths
6.  Set Goals- Create a business plan, create a bucket list, stay flexible
7.  Replenish and Rejuvenate
You will get more done in 6 days if rested then 7 days sluggish and tired.  Be sure to schedule downtime.
 The conference ended around 5:30 pm and after a quick dinner at Panera we were on our way home.
Loriann and I never have a shortage of things to say to each other but for the 2 hour drive home we talked about the sessions we went to and made some plans for how we were going to use the information we gathered. 

I made it home around 8:30/9:00 pm
I walked in the door and saw/heard a bunch of papers fall.
The girls had made me pictures and a card.

It was a great experience and I am already looking forward to next year!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Sounds cool. That third session would be right up my alley right now :)